Don’t mind me…

Don’t mind me, I’m procrastinating.

I’m supposed to be doing something else, and once I exhausted all other methods of putting off the relatively minor but incredibly dull other thing that I’m supposed to be doing, I thought to myself ‘Samuel, why don’t you write something fascinating for that blog you started and never put anything on?’

And I replied ‘Me, that’s a great idea. I have after all exhausted all other methods of putting off this relatively minor but incredibly dull other thing.’ Doesn’t that make you feel special? I really should just get on and do it, but it’s impossible to muster the motivation within my fickle brain. It’s fickle like that.

I’ve got no leverage, nothing to hold over myself as a worthy threat – I know that I won’t follow I through. (Follow through, incidentally, is the literal translation of the German Durchfallj, or diarrhoea. Though you could more amusingly translate it as ‘fall through’. Who says the Germans don’t have a sense of humour? Not me.) I really should get cracking on that other thing.