Help – the aged
I’m getting old. I’ve decided that there’s a distinct difference between being old and getting old. While most people will acknowledge that they’re getting old, hardly anyone will admit that they actually are old.
I don’t particularly feel very old, despite all the evidence to the contrary. Although to be fair I did just go downstairs to get something and not only did I forget why I went down there, I realised shortly after that I hadn’t even intended to go downstairs in the first place. I do know some people who are objectively quite old, even if they’re not quite ready to admit it either. Which leads me to believe that no one actually feels their age inside their head.
What is the mid-life crisis if not the panicked realisation that your body is aging faster than you thought it would? I’ve made peace with the fact that I’ve long reached my physical peak and that it’s basically downhill from here. But then I like going downhill, it’s much easier than going uphill. Much faster in a wheelchair, too.